De Commissioning

Friday 30th March 2012 saw the end of thirty years service by the Liverpool. The de-commissioning took place on South Railway Jetty in. Although a sad occasion the weather was fine and the ship looked resplendent on her last day in service.

Along with family and friends of the ships company a few Association members managed to attend along with many ex-Liverpool’s including many ex-Commanding Officers.

The Band of the Royal Marines School of Music supplied the music in their usual inimitable style.

The guard formed ready for the arrival of the guest of honour.

The salute was taken by the Second Sea Lord Vice Admiral Charles Montgomery.

Following the de-commissioning service lead by the ships chaplain, the Rev Charles Bruzon the ensign was lowered for the last time.

The ensign was then presented by AB Anthony Clarke to the last Commanding Officer, Commander Colin Williams.

The ships company marched off to Auld Langsyne.

Ships company and guests retired to the reception where speeches were made by 2SL, the Lord Mayor of Liverpool and CO.  Commander Williams who presented the last ensign to the Lord Mayor of Liverpool for safe keeping and should there ever be another HMS Liverpool the city will pass on the ensign to be the first flown on that vessel.

A splendid de-commissioning cake was cut by the CO’s wife and the youngest member of the ships company.

The Ships Bell along with other items of memorabilia will pass into the RN Trophy Fund.

Overall a day of mixed emotions where old friends reviewed those sea stories that always sound better years later and as always they promised to stay in touch and for those who are leaving a 30 year old Type 42 to join a new Type 45.

No longer with flags flying will she serve our country maintaining the high seas and conducting tough challenges like those of last year. Long may her name be remembered HMS Liverpool, the Crazy Red Chicken.

The Association, which was started by those who gallantly served on the cruiser, now needs to continue with those who served on the Type 42. The Liverpool family must continue and not allow the ships to be forgotten.